How We Ranked a Print On Demand Website #1


Connor approached us in late 2020 to help in start generating organic traffic to his ecommerce shop Respoke Collection. At the time his only revenue channel was FB and Instagram ads.

We started off by looking at the opportunities his brand had.

Being print on demand business specializing in the auto niche, the challenge was educating people about his products.

Once consumers saw his product they loved it, but since they had never heard about it before it was all about reaching them at the top of the funnel.

The Process:

We started off by writing blogs for connors Shopify site. The goal was to go after kewyord that his potential customers were searching.

One of the ones we saw potential with was “Best gifts for jeep owners”.

The strategy was simple, rank the guide, show off his products. and funnel them to his product pages.

The issue is the auto niche can be difficult.

Creating blogs alone won’t get you near the top of Google.

After we posted a handful of relevant blogs, we began building backlinks.

Super high quality backlinks were buitl towards the blogs but also towards his home page. (Important to get by Google)


After a couple months of writing blogs and building backlinks.

We saw movement.

Connor’s blogs began a steady climb towards the top of the rankings.

By the beginning of November we had ranked his “Best Gifts for Jeep Owners” blog #1 on Google.

Connor ended up getting countless sales all from this blog. 

The best part is with SEO he got to keep all his margins and didn’t give Facebook 20% of every sale he made that year.

Are you interested in seeing what an seo campaign can do for your brand?

If you’re ready to turn your website into a traffic generating asset, let’s schedule a time to talk.